Approved: 2nd April 2022
Version: 1.0
Content owner: Volunteer experience
Read our young members policy to find out about the benefits and expectations of being a young member, and how parents and carers can best support their child.
Sew Ready wants all young children, young adults and adults to be able to take every opportunity available to make the most of their time at our workshops.
This policy explains the benefits and expectations of being part of Sew Ready. It also explains our expectations for young adults, parents/carers and describes how they can best support them or their child and the volunteers at Sew Ready.
What are the benefits of being a part of Sew Ready?
Sew Ready gives children, young adults, and adults a space where they can be themselves and gain valuable life skills. Though Sew Ready programmes and activities, all participants have the opportunity to try new things, have new experiences and discover their potential.
What should an adult, parent/carer do to support the participant and the volunteers at Sew Ready?
Get involved and attend regular programmes and activities at Sew Ready.
Keep personal details up to date at Sew Ready.
Look out for Sew Ready information and return paperwork (such as consent forms) promptly.
Make payments on time.
Uphold the Sew Ready Code of Conduct.
Sew Ready will not and shall not get involved in any family (including child/children or related) legal disputes and will only correspond with the adult, parent/carer who has legal responsibility as per details held on the Sew Ready system records.
If parents/grandparents etc. have joint responsibility for a young child it's vital that this information, including the details of the parent who should be contacted in an emergency, is clearly recorded on the young child’s or young adults Sew Ready contact details. For the avoidance of doubt, please ensure that we have the up-to-date information on the record system.
All members are covered by Sew Ready’s personal accident and public liability insurance policies while they are taking part in Sew Ready programmes and activities.
Sew Ready CIC policies and procedures are reviewed and updated from time to time as part of a review cycle.