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Approved: 2nd April 2022
Version: 1.0
Content owner: Safe Practice
We are pleased to describe below the robust and thorough measures that we are taking to reduce the risk of COVID-19 at our camps and to keep our Sew Ready community safe.
Our ‘COVID Secure Camp strategy’ maintains requirements expected in school setting while also implementing enhanced hygiene measures. We love providing you with amazing holiday camps, filled with enriching activities, lifelong skills and memories, in a safe and supportive environment.
Contactless Sign In/Out
Our Camp Managers will sign campers in and out on the parent’s behalf and will be wearing a visor or face mask. Where additional forms are required to be filled in, parents will be asked to use the hand sanitiser provided on our front desk. We respectfully ask all parents dropping off to wear a mask when coming indoors.
Booking in advance
Sew Ready is proud to offer great flexibility for parents. Parents will still be able to book during the camp week, however places will be limited. Therefore to avoid disappointment we advise booking in advance.
Designated COVID-19 training for all staff
All staff will receive additional ‘COVID Secure Camp Strategy’ training, before working on camp. As part of this training, staff will understand how to implement and follow the requirements expected of them. Across the camp we will also be ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. The Camp Manager will be responsible for responding appropriately to any student illness whilst on camp.
Enhanced cleaning measures
Each of our staff members will ensure that surfaces and touch points are regularly disinfected. Students will be expected to wash their hands more often, particularly after every activity, and hand sanitiser will be provided throughout the camp. Sew Ready will also liaise with our fantastic host partner Bow Street Mall to ensure additional enhanced daily cleaning of facilities including toilets and washrooms.
PPE and increased social distancing instructions/signage
During sign in and out our camp staff will be using visors and PPE. Students and staff will not wear PPE during the normal camp day whilst in their day bubble. However, staff will have additional PPE equipment at hand when dealing with any intimate care and first aid requirements.
Reminders and rules will be communicated to students during the day by staff.
If a child feels unwell at camp
Any child who becomes ill with symptoms which could be Covid-19 during their time on camp will be taken to a secure area of camp and isolated away from other children. Their temperature will be checked again, and the parent/guardian will be called to come and collect immediately from camp. If the child becomes seriously ill, we will call 999. The isolation area will then be fully sanitised and cleaned after each use. If a child or member of staff has suspected symptoms of Covid-19, they will be sent home and must follow the Government guidance for households with possible Covid-19 infection. This includes self- isolation and taking a Covid-19 test. See:
​ guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
The Camp Manager will take note of any children who are sent home due to displaying symptoms of Covid-19. Camp will continue to operate as normal, unless or until advised otherwise by the local Health Protection Team, but parents/guardians and staff will be informed, especially those in high risk groups. If children or staff experience any symptoms of Covid-19 they must not attend Camp until all symptoms have passed and they feel well or they have a negative test result (if tested).
Related policies
Check these policies for more information.
> Health safety and welfare policy
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